Should I Get Someone to Teach Me to Lift?

Trainers, spotters, and haters.

Shouldn’t Wonder Woman Be Bigger?

Gal Gadot’s physique, and when to wear a belt for lifting.

Is Just 5×5 Enough? What About Accessories?

On “bro stuff,” and curling for cosmetic reasons.

Do I Have To Spend Money On A Gym?

Barbells vs. dumbbells and finding a place to squat heavy.

My Bench Press Sucks

Embrace strength over size, and arch your back.

Become A Deadlift Beast, And Maybe Don’t Do Cardio

You CAN lift more than 20 pounds.

Overnight Oats

A few recipes to help you stay swole during this bulking season.

17th-Century Whaler Problems

Caring for your hands and your liver.

Smoothies and Trolls

Destigmatizing protein powder, debunking what strength looks like.

Am I Doing Enough?

Or are you asking the wrong question?