How Do I Stay Motivated?

It’s a bit like a job: sometimes you like it, sometimes you don’t, but you go either way.

How Do I Care For My Growing Baby Muscles?

Stretching, rolling, and sun saluting.

Yes, You Have To Learn To Use Your Muscles

Isolating, cultivating, and building.

Should I Get Someone to Teach Me to Lift?

Trainers, spotters, and haters.

Shouldn’t Wonder Woman Be Bigger?

Gal Gadot’s physique, and when to wear a belt for lifting.

Is Just 5×5 Enough? What About Accessories?

On “bro stuff,” and curling for cosmetic reasons.

Can a Personal Trainer Touch You Without Permission?

Gym etiquette, and the men who want to correct your form.

My Goal Weight

Do My Workouts Have To Be Hardcore?

Treasuring rest days and making your goals more specific.

Is Tracking My Food Necessary?

When to count calories and measure macros.