I am constantly thinking about how, were I to be tested now the way I was in school, there is no…

“What would America be like if we loved Black people as much as we love Black culture?”

Thinkin’ ‘Bout Consent And Alzheimer’s

Black Honey and Me

Haley don’t worry, I know Raccoon Nation is hard, but soon you’ll be in Coyote City.

I Hereby Convene The Beach Witch Coven

Will You Be Distracted By The Apple Watch?

Let’s Talk About Friendship

“It’s perfectly possible that she will react badly.”

Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

“…saying she was single when she was maintaining nine husbands.”

My Requisite Muppet Post

“I go to The Four Seasons Grill Room if it’s an important lunch”

Why Are We Waiting So Long To Not GAF?

The Questions Of #BlackLivesMatter

Stop Trying To Make Brontosaurus Happen

Things I Definitely Thought Of First

“It’s not clear what the Audubon Society did to piss off Jonathan Franzen.”

It’s Jaya!

Looking The Part