Ask A Totally Normal Advice Columnist

This Summer’s Best Beach Reads

Neat! This Artist Reimagined Disney Princesses As Things His Creepy Possessed Child Sees In His…

Characters in Literotica Stories Who are Domes

Characters In Literotica Stories Who Are Cumin

Animals That Make Me Feel OK About Only Getting My Mom A Card For Mother’s Day

Excerpts From the May 2015 Vogue, Presented Without Commentary

Wanksy is the Only Artist in 2015 That Matters; Long Live Wanksy

Unofficial Official Hairpin 3.0 Book Club: An Interview With Hilton Als

[via @damsorrow]

Lydia Davis is Smarter Than Me

What is the Very Last Thing a Woman Wants to See in Bed?

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Field Hockey

Things I Want To Happen in Season 3 of “Orange is the New Black”

Man Uses Internet

Spin the globe on the International Children’s Digital Library’s glossy, state of the art website…

Excerpts from the April 2015 Vogue, Presented Without Commentary

The Best Time I Went To E.R.

The National Geographic has a piece on how swarming bats avoid crashing into each other: