Single for Fall? Look No Further Than This Sexxxy Bachelor!

He’s handsome, he’s single, and he worked for NASA!

Image: Hernán Piñera. Flickr; Art: Kelly

Ladies, life isn’t all about finding the “right guy.” Mr. Handsome. Come on. Mr. Perfect. Yeah…right. Mr. “Man.” Oh, brother. When you think about it, there’s also job, friends, and even more! But it doesn’t make you any less of an independent woman to want a special guy to hold close during autumn, when the air is chilly and leaves are crunch-crunch-crunchy underfoot. And, ladies — that’s where we come in.

Or should I say — that’s where NASA 1965 Space Suit Test Robot comes in.

Image Courtesy: RR Auction

Oh, mama!

How does this sound? Life-sized. Mmmhm. 230 pounds. Of pure hunk. Capable of mimicking 35 human movements. Uh-huh. Boyishly handsome. Tell me more! One of two dummies NASA created in the 1960s to test space suits but ultimately abandoned because the hydraulic system couldn’t move their limbs under pressure without leaking. Yes, please! Essentially a scientist at NASA. Oh yeah! 51 years young and driven by a circulatory system of oil inside tubes. Yes, please (again)!

Not to mention, his eyes are as red as love itself:

Image Courtesy: RR Auction

“But can he dance?” Babe, my man for sure lost one arm between when NASA didn’t use him in the ‘60s and now, but that doesn’t mean he can’t bust a move! Check him out:

Oh, baby! I love to watch this!

He can be yours — all yours to cuddle and love and whatever else you want to do privately (!) — when he goes up for auction on September 26.


Buy him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!