The Only Thing That Is Constant Other Than Change

You Can Count On Le(onardo) (Dicaprio).

Images: sagesolar, NASA; Art: Kelly

It’s easy to feel like the tenuous grasp you have on the direction of your life is in fact not tenuous and actually nonexistent. It’s easy to feel like there is nothing and no one you can point to and say, “Here is something or someone I can trust.” It’s easy to feel like the rug can and will be pulled out from under you at every turn, and all you have the power to do is wait for the fall.

However, look at this, from the Saturday edition of Page Six’s “Sightings”:

Leo DiCaprio at Sessanta’s A60 rooftop bar celebrating fashion photographer David Bellemare’s birthday along with an army of supermodels.

Yes. Oh, yes. Yes, indeed.

The fact is that Leonardo DiCaprio will always be Leonardo DiCaprio, steadfast and true. Unwavering. Uncompromising. Surrounded by an army of supermodels. We can count on him, if no one and nothing else.

Thank you, Leonardo DiCaprio.
