Save the Date, NYC: April 26

It’s that time of year again (in New York): mark your calendars for Thursday, April 26 — we’ll be having a meetup in the reserved party space upstairs at Professor Thom’s in the East Village, from 7–10 p.m. There’s a deck, there’s couches, there’s booze, it’ll be great. (And we’ll post a reminder when the day approaches.) Plus Jane’s flying in, too. What will she wear? Also, of course, anyone and everyone is welcome! Men! Women! Neither!

And DC is having a meetup at the Black Squirrel this Thursday, April 5 at 7 p.m. — Cherrispryte is fielding questions. (“Should I go?” “Yes.”)

And, as always, there is the Hairpin Meetup group (which admittedly isn’t perfect, although suggestions for improvement are always welcome).