To This Day, Jeremy Renner’s Ghoulish Countenance Looms Over Satan’s Filthy Mines of Rotting Flesh…

To This Day, Jeremy Renner’s Ghoulish Countenance Looms Over Satan’s Filthy Mines of Rotting Flesh and Hellfire

The demon.

Image: Eva Rinaldi/Flickr

JEREMY RENNNNNNEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name rattles my bones and sears my tongue.

As you already know, the loathsome Jeremy Renner called Black Widow a slut; crashed a wedding, stayed for an hour, and lied about it; said that doing what he can to help close the gender pay gap was not his job; doubled down; said his favorite curse word is cunt; and only recently settled with his ex-wife over a child support dispute. Now look at this thing he said, about how many kids he wants:

“Ava was such an angel baby and never acted out. So I want to have, like, five of them. I just want to come home and have five girls adoring their daddy.”

Five girls adoring their daddy.

This fucking guy.