Candles For Freelancers

•“10 copies hot off the Xerox machine” candle
•“Vanilla Soy Milk” candle
•“Tupperware full of leftovers you forgot to put in the fridge and now it’s too late” candle
•“Unshowered intern” candle (available as set of 4)
•“Lunch meeting i.e., the smell of muddled Seamless meals“ candle
•“Brainstorm meeting i.e., smell of too many people sitting in too small of a room for too many hours” candle
•“13 dogs under 30 lbs” candle
•“Leftover meeting bagels, a few hours old” candle
•“Someone else’s stress sweat” candle
•“Desk soup” candle
•“Windowless new business room with ten people who haven’t left in a week” candle
•“Office Bathroom air freshener” candle
•“Mail room” candle
•“A few sips of day-old coffee” candle (in mug-shaped jar)
•“Craisins” candle