A Spoon-Themed Party

Kelly Conaboy and Brian Feldman are fans of the band Spoon. In this column they talk about Spoon for one second, give or take.

Kelly: Brian

Kelly: If you were hosting a Spoon-themed party what snacks would you have

Brian: definitely Tostito’s Scoops

Brian: because scoops are like spoons

Brian: maybe a bean dip? (Me and the Bean)

Kelly: That’s pretty good

Kelly: I would have Do I Have To Talk You Into Dip

Kelly: and Believing Is Tarts which would be apple tarts

Brian: lmao

Kelly: oh and Small Steaks

Kelly: hehe

Brian: the way we get chai

Kelly: That’s really good

Brian: I turn my… stove on!

Kelly: lmao

Thank You
