You’re The Worst Has Been Back?

I don’t pretend to know everything, and I don’t even try to know the things I’m interested in. I guess this is why I didn’t know that You’re the Worst, the TV show I like because of the mean hot writer character, has been back for a good amount of time. Like, two months. Did you know? If so, why haven’t you been talking about it? Keeping it a secret? Lying to me? Why? Envy? We don’t have to discuss it right now, because the fact is that I found out for myself that You’re the Worst has been back last night when I thought, “Is You’re the Worst back?” and I checked, and it was.

Are you watching it? What do you think? Say out loud.

Anyway. Have you set your intention for Tuesday? Now’s the time to do it. Have a successful day!