Which “Sex and the City” Characters Would Vote for Cynthia Nixon? (Extended Edition)

Over at Vulture, Hunter Harris hypothesized whether “Sex and the City”‘s main cast members would vote for Cynthia Nixon (who played the show’s “Miranda” character, Miranda) for governor of New York. Hunter concluded that Samantha and Carrie would, Big wouldn’t, Charlotte and Harry would, Steve would, Trey and his mom wouldn’t, and Berger wouldn’t. Hm. But what about everybody else? Let’s see.

Aidan: Yes
Aleksandr Petrovsky: No
Stanford Blatch: Yes
Anthony Marentino: No, doesn’t vote
Magda: No
Richard Wright: No
Natasha: No, doesn’t vote
Skipper: Yes
James the guy with the too-big penis: Yes
Maria Diega Reyes: Yes
Samantha’s Assistant Nina: No, doesn’t vote
Smith Jerrod: Yes
Sherrie: No
Dr. Bradley Meego from the Hamptons: Yes
Dr. Robert Leeds, the sports doctor who Miranda dated: No
Bitsy, Nathan Lane’s wife: Yes
Nathan Lane’s character: Yes
Chloé Petrovsky: No
Jack, who could only have sex in places where he might get caught: No, doesn’t vote
Enid, Carrie’s Vogue editor: Yes
Seth (Jon Bon Jovi): No, doesn’t vote
When Bradley Cooper was on it: No, doesn’t vote
When Michael Showalter was Berger’s friend in the Bed episode: Yes
Donald Trump (as himself): No, doesn’t vote
Matthew McConaughey (as himself): Yes
Lucy Liu (as herself): No
Heather Graham (as herself): Yes
Heidi Klum (as herself): Yes
Ed Koch (as himself): No
Lynn Cameron: Yes
Jenny Brier: No
Debbie from the LA episode: Yes
Martin Grable, the food writer Carrie brings for Enid at the party where Lexi Featherston dies: Yes
Lexi Featherston: No, dead
When Tatum O’Neal was Kyra: No, doesn’t vote
Justin Theroux as Jared: No, doesn’t vote
Justin Theroux as Vaughn Wysel: No, doesn’t vote
Keith Travers: Yes
The hostess as Balzac who needed a tampon: Yes
Barkley, the modelizer: Yes
Adam Ball with the funky spunk: Yes
Brady: Yes
Steve’s mom: No
The woman who Steve was dating for a while: No
Steve’s dog: Yes
Aidan’s dog: No
Courtney Masterson: Yes
Lily Martin: Yes
Marcus: Yes
Rabbi Minsch: No
Ray King the jazz guy: No, doesn’t vote
When John Slattery was on it: Yes
Bitsy Von Muffling: No, doesn’t vote
Tommy, the Irish doorman: Yes
Harvey: No
Harvey’s servant Sum: No
J.J. Mitchell from like the Post or whatever: Yes
Dr. G: Yes
Kevin, Miranda’s bossy boyfriend from work: No, doesn’t vote
Tom, aka “Big Boned,” Miranda’s fat boyfriend from Weight Watchers: Yes
John McFadden: No, doesn’t vote
Patrick Casey, Carrie’s recovering alcoholic boyfriend as you can tell by his name: No, doesn’t vote
Howie Halberstein, the bad wedding sex guy: No, doesn’t vote
Gilles, the guy who left Carrie $1,000: Yes
Wade: No, doesn’t vote
David Duchovny from high school: Yes
Sam, the twenty-something: Yes
Jeremiah, the performance artist/cater waiter: Yes
Sean the bisexual: Yes
When Alanis Morissette was on it: Yes
Ben the politics editor who actually wasn’t a freak, and it turned out that Carrie was: No, he actually is a freak and would never vote for a woman
The New Yankee: Yes
All of the women in the steam room: Yes
Charlotte’s thighs: No
The 20-something girl Charlotte hires to replace her at the gallery: Yes
Eileen and Lydia: Yes
Patty Aston: Yes
Carrie’s French fans: Yes
Aleksandr Petrovsky’s ex-wife: Yes
Samantha’s realtor: No
Samantha’s other realtor: Yes
Nick Waxler: No
Patience: No
The waitress who tells Big he can’t smoke his cigar: Yes
When H. Jon Benjamin was Jeff: No, doesn’t vote
Buster, the foot fetishist: Yes
Amalita Amalfi: Yes
New York City herself: Depends
Restaurant critic Mike with the uncircumcised penis: No
When Todd Barry was on it: No, doesn’t vote
Marty Mendleson: No
Brad the bad kisser: No, doesn’t vote
When Aleksandr Petrovsky is like, “You are…comic?”: No
When the girls are like, “are we sluts?”: Yes