Guided Meditation: The Stream

A guided meditation.

Image: Steven Lilley

Please press play on this video:

Take a deep breath and release it slowly. Center your thoughts on the sounds of the stream. Imagine you’re seated by the stream on a good sitting rock. You run your hand along the cool water and it feels wet. Human life has ended on earth and soon you will die, too. Of this you are sure. Why have you been given these last few moments to yourself? You briefly consider the question before releasing it. It doesn’t matter now. You feel only relief. You breathe in and out. You hear only the stream. You lift some of the stream water with your palm and let it drip onto your clavicle and it doesn’t matter if it’s dirty stream water, this is the end and it’s only your business. You keep remembering things you had to do and realizing you no longer have to do them. You remember drinks. You feel lighter. You remember your student loans. You feel lighter. Your credit card debt. Meetings. Planning your future. Various funerals you would’ve had to attend, and wouldn’t those have been sad. You remember “President Donald Trump.” You feel the weight of every former truth, of the world’s pain, of every obligation lifting from your body with the knowledge that everyone is gone now and soon the darkness will swallow you whole. You take a deep breath and smile. You see a frog in the distance and you call to him with your spirit. It’s the frog’s world now, more than it’s ever been.

Whisper good luck to the frog as you close your eyes and listen to the remaining seven hours and fifty-eight minutes of “8 hours of Water Sounds for Relaxation and Meditation-Relaxing Waterfall-W/O Birdsong.”

Thank you.

(Now you say thank you to me.)