Valentine’s Day: A Poem

A poem for Valentine’s Day.


It’s a day that starts with a “V”
Have you any guess what it could be?
The “V” is followed by “A”
If you know it, just go on and say
After “A” you’ll find a small “L”
What day is it, hm? Can you tell?
The “L” is right next to an “E”
And I’ll tell you for just a small fee
That the “E” is followed by “N”
And more than just now and just then
The “N” rubs up against “T”
Who knows what it is now, just me?
Right by “T” you’ll find a good “I”
To recap, we have Val-En-Ti
After “I,” oh, another “N”
You see it again and again
Lastly you will find an “E”
And I tell you right now with great glee

After “E” comes apostrophe
If you know it I’m sure you’ll agree
That apostrophe flows to an “S”
And I’ll tell you right after you guess

That the “S” precedes a brief space
I apologize for my quick pace
After space comes capital “D”
Are you getting it now? Can you see?
After “D” you will find an “A”
I’m not sure what more I can say
After “A” there’s a final “Y”
Take a guess, just give it a try!

That word is “day,” if you’re feeling vexed
Webster’s defines it as “the time of light between one night and the next”
What is night? Your confusion is risible
Webster’s defines it as “the time from dusk to dawn when no sunlight is visible”
And dusk? “What is that” you ask?
Webster’s defines it as “to become dark”
Now dawn’s meaning?
Webster’s defines it “to begin to grow light as the sun rises”

If you’re still finding yourself confused
With your pride and your confidence bruised
I’ll tell you what the day is now
Valentine’s Day