Every Comment On This YouTube Video Of Ani DiFranco’s “Adam And Eve”

Here they are.


It feels good to tackle a task. It’s nice to make a list for your day, check off the things you’ve done. Shower, check. Make bed, check. Do all my work. Figure out…accountant. Put in contacts, check. Here’s something we can all tackle together now, and why not?, you’re already here and so am I even though it’s nice outside and we’ll be dead very soon: reading every comment on this YouTube video of Ani DiFranco’s “Adam and Eve” (51,218 views).

There are only twenty-four comments. Are they particularly interesting? Well, that’s for you to decide. I would never want to force my opinion on you and I believe if you’ll check the records I never have once in the past.

OK, I’ll go from newest to oldest. One month ago, AlcinoustheXIIth said

“She went off vocally on this album.”

I would say that’s true. Five months ago, Love Makes a Family said:

“You mangy little whore”

And then the same commenter said:

“Brilliant song. Brilliant artist”

The “whore” comment is a modified version of a line from the song. I hope it didn’t alarm you. Two years ago, Dream On said:

“Although Ani is far more intense, something about her reminds me of Jewel, who I also love for singing about raw and true emotions and experiences that happen to us all. Very beautiful emotion expressed here. You just feel her pain.”

You do. This next one is the best one. I wish it came a little more towards the end, but what can you do. Could I have arranged the comments differently? Well. Or rethought the post entirely? Well. It’s too late. Two years ago Terry M. Jakich said:

“I’m a 59 yo man. i was raised in a lower middle class home by a single mother and 2 great grandparents. I really don’t remember how I discovered Ani, but what I know is that this woman has made me re-examine a lot of my values and what I believed about life and relationships.I know it will never happen, but I just wish I could meet you and shake your hand Ani. You and the music you have written and performed, has made me want to be a better man.I have made my share of mistakes in my life, but because of your ability to make me look at myself introspectively, I am trying to to do it right this time. Thank you Ani, you are a true American treasure. . .Terry”

I hope if this post does one thing it is connect Terry M. Jakich and Ani DiFranco. Two years ago, Feather said:

“I think I’ll even wonder if you meant it at the time… You said you wanted me. You said you would commit to me, that we could have something great together. But as soon as I expressed my fears and doubts, told you that I was afraid to trust you with the power to break my heart, you ran away. You gave up on me, didn’t bother to try and prove yourself and win my love. Now I wonder if you ever really wanted me to begin with… and my heart is broken, anyways.”

Damn. It’s so hard to be alive. Three years ago, The Red Shadow said:

Same here! First ever exposure to Ani was this album and I fell in love with it. Changed so many things I thought I knew about music and the meaning within it.

Not sure which comment he or she was responding to, but I guess you can imagine. The years ago, TheDreamzMachine said:


Mm. And then Love Makes a Family, if you remember her, said in response to TheDreamzMachine:

[strong emoji][snake emoji] [apple emoji]

I love to see people connect. Moving along, three years ago, Baxxter101 said something I have to admit I do not understand:

Adam here, I am sorry too. I wasn’t given a choice either. We are both and all God damned… Fuck it. *sarcasm* I just hope you’re as beautiful in hell as you are here. Serious mode: I didn’t know.

What? I guess he’s talking to Ani DiFranco. He is the “Adam” character from the song, in this comment? I’m not sure but I do think it’s a good comment. Okay, who’s next. It’s buddhassisterx10 from three years ago:

this was the first album i ever got of hers. I was 13 and it was a whole new level of love and appreciation for how deeply music can touch someone. her melodies and songs and words are so moving and heart felt. i simply love this song.

Yes, I think I was that age, too. This is nice, actually, looking at the comments. Is it nice for you? Say answer out loud. Four years ago, black529able said:

I first read about her in Guitar Player magazine.The article was about the record and her use of drop d tuning which i was into at the time.I remember she received some flack from her earlier fans for this album. One of the best guitar players i have ever seen. I have seen her a few times but stopped going to the shows because i’m a hetero guy and her fans are rude and smell funny.

I remember having to retune to play Ani songs when I was young. It’s incredible to think about now. Retuning? The energy one has in one’s youth. And then black529able said:

I’m that mangy little whore!

Same. Four years ago killgirlp0werhead said:

Poor ani that’s just another reason why spots are better than stripes xD

And then she said:

Up* when he put his tiny pin prick in her pretty pink balloon

And then she said:

John knocked her I

Hmmmmmm I guess the last one is supposed to go before the middle one. Four years ago somebody named sea bunny said:

I keep coming back to listen to this song. So beautiful, both musically and lyrically.

Sea bunny! And then guess who’s next? It’s Christopher Sanchez and he has this to say:

My Fav.

Oooooh yeaaaaaaaah, baby. Now we’re cooking. Who’s after Christopher? Of course, the one and only Danyel Torok from five years ago:

Whenever I need a song to sing my feelings, She never fails.

I know. Especially if my feelings are about fire door. Here’s a funny line Rich Juzwiak had one time in the “Best Restaurant in New York” column he had with Caity Weaver at Gawker:

We were told to consider the solitude of Fannie Rogarshevsky, which sounds like a Belle & Sebastian song. Anna used the terms “air shaft” and “fire door,” which made me think of Ani DiFranco.

Heheh. OK, who’s next. Of course, it’s kaijakitty from five years ago:

Absolutely Orgazmatron & Baxxter. It’s my fav on this album & possibly my fav of hers. It’s SO emotional & beautifully written. Ani’s lyrics are always amazing, tho.

Only four more left! We’re so close. Five years ago 917nanabanana said:

no one hits the spot like ani d!.

And then 917nanabanana said:

no one hits the spot like ani d!

Good catch, banana. Six years ago — do you remember how old you were then? for some reason the first age that came to my mind was “21,” which is not true. make sure you think about it — Aussie DIYFK said:

havent heard this song in about 5 years
and still i cry

Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And finally, here we are, the final comment, also from six years ago, one “thumbs up,” here he is, our main man Baxxter101:

one of the most intense songs I have ever heard… strait to the heart, strait to the soul.

Read all the comments on this Ani DiFranco YouTube video, check.