Spoon Second With Kelly Conaboy And Brian Feldman: Google Doc Phishing Email

Kelly Conaboy and Brian Feldman are fans of the band Spoon. In this column they talk about Spoon for one second, give or take.

Kelly: Would you open the google doc phishing email if it said it was from Spoon

Kelly: Be honest

Brian: yes

Brian: wouldn’t even think

Brian: pure reflex

Kelly: I knew it

Brian: would i compromise my entire online (and frankly, offline) identity for spoon? not a question really

Kelly: I knew it

Brian: would you click

Kelly: I don’t think so

Brian: oh sure

Kelly: I guess it’s hard to know what you would do in a situation like that for sure

Kelly: Eh yeah I guess I’d open it why not maybe it’s from Spoon

Thank You
