Hairpin Book Club: New York Edition

An exciting and timely message from a fellow ‘Pinner:

If you’d like to join a New York Hairpin Book Club, we’ll be meeting every other week on Tuesdays at 6:30/7 at a bar. We’re picking our first book by vote:

1. How Should a Person Be, Sheila Heti
2. NW, Zadie Smith
3. The Round House, Louise Erdich
4. Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Katherine Boo

Please email Angharad at hairpinNYbookclub at gmail dot com if you’re interested, and give her your pick for first book! The first meeting will be Tuesday, January 8th at 7pm, and the book will be announced to interested parties on December 20th.

Now, if you’re not in NYC, like some of us, but still think you’re a real live person with hopes and dreams, feel free to dish about these fine books in the comments, or, even better, get into our Google Groups to start your own high-quality book club.

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