Tonight’s Full Moon

Last weekend for whatever reason I decided to check my horoscope on AstrologyZone, which can sometimes be entertaining even if you don’t buy into any of it, mostly because Susan Miller — AZ’s proprietress — writes with such thoughtful and breathless conviction, it’s amazing. Anyway, I lost my iPhone a few weeks ago (sorry to everyone I know; this has been the only thing I’ve talked about since), and then in the horoscope it said that March would be a month in which it’d be easy to lose valuable possessions, such as smartphones. What! Oh my god. *faints* And then she said that the full moon on March 27 would be especially difficult, and to prepare for that. Those kinds of predictions seem generally pretty self-fulfilling (“you’re going to have a horrible day” “got it … aaand done”), but then this morning I accidentally woke up at 4 a.m., glanced out the window, and saw the moon shining like some hungry evil eye. It was spooky. It was also interesting and pretty.

So, there’s a full moon tonight. Geminis, keep track of your phones. Yep.