Breaking News Round-Up

“My mother will be 92 this year and we live together.” — Emmylou Harris is wonderful.

“She runs the coyote research facility in Logan, Utah, where 100 adult coyotes are studied in every aspect from behavior and reproduction to whether they are right- or left-footed. (It is relevant for trapping, and they are about half and half.)”

Having a bunch of concussions is truly awful-sounding.


Finally, a Tumblr devoted to OMG KALE SALAD. Now, there are many OMG KALE SALAD options, but this one is described as “life-altering” by Bon Appetit.

Bad sex and rape.

You are eighty, going on eighty-one.

But they wouldnae film in the Cailleach herself,” he said. “Far too risky, what with all their precious cameras. Mind you, on a braw day, the Grey Dog can be a fierce thing herself.”

The intelligible parts of this story will teach you so much about whirlpools, you have no idea.

This fish has messed-up teeth, man. Man teeth! Messed-up man teeth fish.

“Judith Butler, flute: A freshman philosophy major from Lexington, Massachusetts, Judith’s actual name is Katie Strong. Before matriculating at Harvard, Katie started going by Judith Butler as an homage to her favorite post-structuralist. (She considered going with Michelle Foucault, but she did not agree with much of History of Sexuality.) Judith has taken her namesake’s theory that gender is performative to another level at Harvard. On Thursdays, she attends class dressed as a vagina and never breaks role. At parties, she aggressively walks up to fellow students and asks, “So, what do you know about Wicca?””

The Retro Husband gets back to his gender essentialist roots.

On a related note, Bonnet Rippers: The Rise of the Amish Romance Novel.