10 Things My Yoga Instructor Said That Almost Made Me Quit Yoga

by Rebecca Jane Stokes

1. “You hear the ice cream truck outside, acknowledge it, then let it go.”

2. “Externally rotate your left foot until it comes to rest behind your left foot.”

3. “Put your weight on your other butt.”

4. “Gentle panting here is encouraged.”

5. “Spiral your pelvis toward President Street.”

6. “Happy Friday!” (Read: it was Sunday afternoon.)

7. “Your skeleton wants to escape your skin.”

8. “Throw your spine to the other side of the room.”

9. “Do you need another blanket for your knees?”

10. “I’m teaching at a Total Silence Immersive Retreat in an ashram upstate. Here is a flier.”

Rebecca Jane Stokes also Tumbls, Tweets, and Gets Looks.