Will You Sign My Yearbook, Mr. President?


It has been so nice getting to know you this year. You are extremely sweet and foxy, I don’t know why Greg would want to spend any time with me at all! You really deserve better than clowns like us; you even laugh at my jokes! I hope we can keep in touch this summer, even though Greg will be gone. Call me up, and I’ll buy you lunch sometimes. [phone number] Anyway, good luck in everything you do, and stay happy.

You friend,

Love [heart symbol]

Barry Obama

Time has a few photos of President Obama on the night of his senior prom in Honolulu in 1979, as well as this yearbook note he wrote to a friend. Before too long our recovered presidential yearbook artifacts will contain “LOLs” and “Text mes,” so let’s savor that “sweet and foxy” line. (Also, watch it, Greg!) Check out the white suit over at Time.

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