All Dogs Are Perfect Angels

…even the ones currently competing in the 25th annual “World’s Ugliest Dog” contest, which will take place this Friday in Petaluma, Calif. You can vote “for fun,” and find some really endearing descriptions from the owners. Here’s current leader Ellie Mae’s bio:

Ellie Mae is an 8y/o Chinese Crested Hairless Dog. She was given to me about 6 years ago when the family she was with had to move to Colorado. They felt that Colorado may be too cold for her. I have been so thankful ever since! She is a wonderful little ambassador for my job as Animal Control Officer/shelter manager where we live in Gurdon, Arkansas. She has been to the schools, and to the local Rotary Club and kept their attention during my talks about responsible pet ownership, my Animal Control job, and running the shelter. She has even helped raise awareness about our shelter and has helped in getting dog food donated to the shelter to feed the dogs there. She has also won first place in the category of ‘most unusual’ in the ‘perfect pet photo contest’ at the annual Clark County Fair. When time allows, she visits folks in a local nursing home, though lately, time has not permitted much of that. She loves giving attention as much as getting attention and really enjoys interacting with people. She truly is a little ‘sparkle’ in my life, and on the days when I have to deal with the worst side of animal control issues, I always look forward to coming home because she puts me in a good mood no matter how bad the day was. Even after all these years, she is so comical that I can’t help but smile whenever I look at her. She seems to have that effect on everyone she meets! To know Ellie Mae is to love Ellie Mae! She truly thinks she is the ‘Belle of the ball’ everywhere she goes, and she usually is!

“Most unusual.” Work it, girl. (I will add here that if you ever feel the need to burn two-plus hours tearing up at dog rescue videos, there is a YouTube channel for that, obviously.)