Celebrity Dream Journals

by Adam Carlson and Julia Carpenter


Dream date: Feb. 23, 2013

Dream: There’s a stage, lit in blue and slowly revolving above a multitude of smiling angels. There’s a piano, and I’m suddenly beside it. A song finds its way into my throat, and as I wail, I stare down at the angels’ faces. One of them beams up at me. She looks like Gwyneth Paltrow, but sleek and pale and small. Hi, Gwyneth! Diamonds glitter on my neck and my hand lifts itself, queen-like. Me, just a poor West London gal with a broken heart, waving and singing to a crowd of clamoring angels?

Analysis: “Adele, I think that was the Oscars.”


Dream date: July 13, 2013

Dream: A dark glen. Babbling brook. Men in plaid. Doing work that matters. Telling stories! A woman! She was carrying cider. She smiled at me and then spilled some cider on my shoes and tried to speak and I hushed her with my mouth. Hush, girl. The other men were restless, needing cider; the woman clung to me and wept. Distantly, I heard the sound of the Internet and was terrified.

Analysis: Have to remember to get wine for The Newsroom premiere party. (Have to remember to tell Emily, Alison, and Olivia that there “isn’t a party.”)


Dream date: June 14, 2013 (*~B-DAY!!~*)

Dream: We’re upstairs. I hear Khloe and Kim fighting at the dinner table. Kanye is naked. I’m naked. We’re naked. “Black Skinhead” is playing and it sounds like Kenny G.

Analysis: Really #excited to be a #grandma!!!!!!

Photo via cwagsphoto/flickr.

Adam Carlson and Julia Carpenter don’t share a bed, but used to.