The 10 Best Reviews of Crafting With Cat Hair
by Alexis Coe

“Are your favorite sweaters covered with cat hair? Do you love to make quirky and one-of-a-kind crafting projects? If so, then it’s time to throw away your lint roller and curl up with your kitty! Crafting with Cat Hair shows readers how to transform stray clumps of fur into soft and adorable handicrafts. From kitty tote bags and finger puppets to fluffy cat toys, picture frames, and more, these projects are cat-friendly, eco-friendly, and require no special equipment or training. You can make most of these projects in under an hour — with a little help, of course, from your feline friends!”
“My husband thought I was crazy all these years for collecting our cats’ fur after brushing. But after playing about with a particularly copious wad one day, I noticed how felt-like it could become, very much like the wool rovings I’ve been collecting and paying good money for. Kaori Tsutaya has eclipsed my artful intentions with her book ‘Crafting With Cat Hair.’ But, ah, the sweet taste of redemption!!”
— Ellie, “Pleasantly Surprised”
“Thanks to Kayori, my dead cat is the gift that keeps on giving.”
— Alexandra Szakowski, “What better way to celebrate the memory of the one you loved?”
“I bought this for my girlfriend as a joke thinking it would have a bunch of different crafts since shes in the early stages of being a crazy cat lady. Turns out its basically one craft.”
— Aaron Lundren, “Not what was expected”
“I might ask a shelter to save combings for me. Perhaps I could make things to sell in their store. I think that’s legal since they are nonprofit.”
— bebbie book worm, “Put yor paws to work!”
“My favorite project was the lovable three-dimensional mini portraits you can make of your own cat. I can’t wait to make one of my Siamese kitten once he’s shedding enough hair, his portrait will be (almost) as cute as he is!”
–, “Charming cat fun!”
“I have much of my cats hair, from grooming it every day. He died last year and I still have his hair. I need some craft ideas.”
— Susana, “Cat huir”
I gifted this to my mom for mothers day and I have to say it was the BEST decision. She loved it! I wish I could have found this earlier.”
— Briburto2, “Best book for cat lovers”
“I have 4 cats, Kramer, George, Jerry and Elaine. The first thing I made when I got this book? Portraits! Yes, portraits. I collected hair from all 4 of my cats and now they each have their very own, one of a kind, cat hair portrait! I think they came out great (Elaine thinks she looks fat it hers haha)…. Another thing — there is a section on how to prevent fleas from getting to your crafts! I never even though about that!”
— Hillary Lamp, “ This is the best books of crafts ever created!!”
“In all cases apart from the finger puppets, the other projects consist of adding felted cat motifs to the larger objects. This is a very sensible approach since the amount of cat hair available is going to be limited, unless you have hundreds of cats!”
— S.J. Dagg, “Unique and clever book for cat lovers.”
“You can spend all day trying to wrap cat hair around a plastic-covered cardboard template and it wont amount to anything but a bunch of loose cat hair.”
— Aznails, “Impossible Finger Puppets”
Alexis Coe writes Hammer Time at The Awl, and is the history correspondent at The Toast. Her work has appeared in the Atlantic, Slate, and other publications. Follow her.