Confirmed: Haters More Likely to Hate

From the Washington Post:

Do verified haters tend to hate everything else they stumble upon? Yes, according to a new study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. People who tend to hate things they already know about are (surprise!) more disposed to hate things they have not yet come in contact with.

To test out this theory, a team of psychologists asked study participants how they felt about a number of mundane and unrelated subjects that included (but was not limited to) architecture, health care, crossword puzzles, taxidermy and Japan.

Who knew this, and not the greatest bridge rap of all time, would be 3LW’s greatest legacy? Not Kiely, that’s for sure. The Journal’s research found that “some people tend to like things, whereas others tend to dislike things,” a theory long ago confirmed by a popular GIF in internet comment sections. [WaPo]