Celebrity Dream Journals: Drake, Floating in the Clouds With Drakes

by Adam Carlson and Julia Carpenter


Dream date: One of those days you try and forget about.

Dream: I’m staring at myself. So many Mes. I guess it gets weird, waking up in a dream surrounded by yourself, but whatever. The Mes don’t care. They’re floating in clouds. Two of the clouds are shaped like feelings. I make eye contact with one young me, the kid with the ‘fro pick who I think is dancing but dunno for sure because the people in my dreams are usually dancing. Check that pout. We talked but didn’t use our mouths. He cried — but I’ve cried, I told him, and we were in the clouds so the water wouldn’t even go to waste.

Analysis: I hate that they’re all calling it “album art” and not a mirror.


Dream date: Sept. 13, 2013

Dream: Versailles. A crowd of people swarms beneath my balcony, teetering on high heels like sleepy giraffes. Their long red manes obscure any sense of face, but bejeweled hands clutch gleaming DVD cases: The Parent Trap. Mean Girls. Get a Clue. They’re stomping on something on the ground. I look closer. Tomatoes. Are the tomatoes real? I never know.

They’re chanting the same syllable over and over again, the sound rising up to me like a song: “O.”

Analysis: No more TV before bed.


Dream date: Tomorrow

Dream: All my friends are with me. We’re drinking. I’m wearing that suit, that one I really like, with the black/ grey/ white gingham underneath. Anderson keeps complimenting me. “Oh, Andy,” I keep saying when I catch him staring too long. He winks. I think it’s the gingham. I wink! I didn’t know I knew how! There’s this one chair in my living room that I’ve always hated but Desmond (Tutu) gave it to me last year and I try and just push it off to the side and anyway no one is even having to sit in it because I think we’re actually in front of an audience? Everything anyone says is so funny and of course I laugh but I’m drunk and I’m not the only one. Everyone is drunk and laughing. Joel Stein came back, I don’t know why, but he’s happy to serve drinks all night without a tip.

Analysis: Tune in tonight for me & Jhumpa (Lahiri), talking cocktails and the latest for Teresa. #goodlife #teamAndy #mazel #livingthedream

Previously: Volume II

Adam Carlson and Julia Carpenter write things, sometimes for money.