The Tradition of Female Ejaculation in Rwanda

It’s not often that a woman learns something new about sex from AskMen, but there’s a first time for everything, and here’s a story about the first time a Rwandan queen produced a “torrent” of ejaculate and thus established an important, countrywide sexual tradition:

[It] dates back more than a century, to the Third Dynasty of the Rwandan monarchy. The story goes that while the king was away on a military campaign, the queen demanded that a guard named Kamagere have sex with her. Kamagere acquiesced, but he was so nervous about the possible repercussions that his body trembled uncontrollably. His penis, instead of penetrating the queen, rubbed up and down against her labia and clitoris — a technique that became known as kunyaza. The torrent of liquid or “water” the motion provoked from the queen was called kunyara.

The ability of Rwandan women to expel copious volumes of liquid — more than three liters according to some estimates — during kunyara, stems from another age-old tradition called gukuna. This custom requires girls as young as 8 to pull out or stretch the lips of their inner labia. Gukuna was originally practiced so the elongated skin could help protect and keep a woman’s vagina clean. But, when it was discovered that these women were also experiencing heightened sexual sensitivity and were more likely to produce water, it became a more or less mandatory custom. “Thirty years ago it was like an order,” explains Vestine Dusabe, a sexologist in Kigali. “Every woman that got married had to have gukuna.”

A few years ago, I was at the bar with an old high school classmate who got drunk and told me that her new boyfriend had a penis that was working some strange new magic on her, and this story ends with her putting herself in my phone as “Squirtle” and me staring at a mixed-drink glass with my mouth hanging open. “That much?” I kept saying. “That… much?” But three liters.

Also, I take back what I said earlier about learning new things from AskMen: here’s a bit from “Top 10 Ways to Flirt Sexually.”

So when a woman tells you she is vacuuming, say “Vacuuming? What, are you ovulating or something?” She’ll be stunned that you know this, and she’ll wonder what else you know about female sexuality.
