Martha, Martha, Martha

Take some time this morning to consider these choice excerpts from Martha Stewart’s daily beauty regimen, via the NYT and by way of Hairpin pal Jolie:

• “I slather myself with serums.”

• “I spray my whole face and body.”

• “On a recent plane ride to L.A., I sprayed myself five times.”

• “I was told years ago by my daughter, Alexis, that I shouldn’t leave the house without makeup on.”

• “I have really good hair and I don’t like to plaster it.”

• “Everybody’s hair looks much better than it used to.” [Ed. note: Thank you.]

• “You can be the most beautiful person on earth, and if you don’t have a fitness or diet routine, you won’t be beautiful.”

Lots of moments of joy to choose from, but my favorite interpretation is the shift, with a certain emphasis, on the statement, “I don’t get clogged pores.”

I don’t get clogged pores. [NYT]