Free Shrimp

“MONIQUE ROFFEY’S TALE of midlife crisis and sexual rebirth is clearly intended to be a soft-porn version of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love. What she has actually produced is 480 pages of sub-Marie Claire overshare, a pointlessly explicit, infuriatingly naive and, at times, plain offputting slither through a series of — wilfully? Maliciously? — unedited sexual slurpings.”

The Hatchet Job of the Year Award, a prize given out by the British opinion aggregator The Omnivore, goes to the year’s “angriest, funniest, most trenchant book review,” and among the eight nominees is Camilla Long’s consideration of Monique Roffey’s With the Kisses of His Mouth (excerpted above). The author of the winning review is generously invited to take home “a year’s supply of potted shrimp (our favourite omnivore).” [Via]