Only 0.3% of People in China Report Having Ever Smoked Weed

That is from a WHO study in 2008. In contrast, self-reported usage in the U.S. is around 42%, which is coincidentally the same percentage of both Republicans and Americans over 65 who now support marijuana legalization. And yesterday, something major happened in terms of federal drug policy:

By a vote of 13 to 5, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved what the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) calls ”the biggest overhaul in federal drug sentencing in decades.” The Smarter Sentencing Act, introduced by Sens. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) last July, would cut mandatory minimum sentences in half for some drug offenses, make the reduced crack penalties enacted in 2010 retroactive, and expand the category of defendants eligible for sentencing below the mandatory minimums. […] The crack provision alone could free thousands of prisoners serving sentences that almost everyone now concedes are excessively long. It would [change] 20-year, 10-year, and five-year mandatory minimums to 10 years, five years, and two years, respectively. It would allow more nonviolent offenders to escape mandatory minimums entirely by loosening the criteria for the “safety valve,” allowing two criminal background points instead of just one.


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