Not True Detective But

So let’s say your obsession with True Detective almost frightens you. That it feels like you’d do anything for this show, that the show controls you. That given the opportunity you’d forsake your own body to be a pair of eyeballs watching True Detective on repeat until the end of time (which is flat). Anyway, so let’s say you like True Detective, and when there are no more True Detective episodes to watch (before rewatching the True Detective episodes you’ve watched already), you scratch at the internet for something, anything, to feed your True Detective hunger.

If that is the case, here are some links and videos to add to your collection.

Writer, creator, “sole show-runner” Nic Pizzolatto, 38, is on Twitter (as of publication, he follows 74 people), and here is his official Facebook fan page. His Wikipedia entry is slim, but he’s on IMDb, and here’s a video of him from Last Call With Carson Daly.

“If you wanna look for it and rewatch the episodes, there’s always about four different things happening at all times.” Can do.

Pizzolatto also has a website, which links to his Simon & Schuster author page, which features this clip:

He was profiled in the LA Times in January (“There is a level of self-sufficiency to Pizzolatto that might strike some as, well, swagger. … ‘I didn’t come to Hollywood to be subservient to anyone else’s vision,’ he said”), and, before that, in The Last Magazine.

HitFix, The Daily Beast (“It’s like, you got one shot, man. Don’t you want to swing for the fences?”), and The Arkham Digest (parts one and two) all have good Pizzolatto Q&As. And the Times Picayune ran a five-part series last summer: one, two, three, fourfive.

There’s bonus content on HBO, and there are episode highlights on YouTube.

Shane Ryan made a list similar to this one a couple weeks ago, for Paste, and Molly Lambert rounded up several “satisfyingly weird” plot twists, for Grantland.

Pizzolatto wrote a novel called Galveston ($2.99 for Kindle), which he reads aloud from on his website (toward the bottom).

Here’s about the closest he comes to smiling that I can find online.

And I want to know what he thinks of my theory.