A Beautiful Symphony, Just For Me

From the AP:

The Colorado Symphony Orchestra said Tuesday it will play a series of “cannabis-friendly” fundraising concerts sponsored by the state’s burgeoning pot industry. The state’s only full-time professional orchestra hopes the unusual shows dubbed “Classically Cannabis: The High Note Series” will boost its audience as it struggles with dwindling attendance and shrinking budgets.

[…]In return for sponsorship, marijuana-related companies get “the legitimacy of being associated with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra.” he said.

The event, however, is strictly BYOC — bring your own cannabis, according to an events listing on the symphony website that says pot will not be sold.

Welcome to the pot pivot. I must say that even as a longtime stoner I probably would not roll up to the symphony and be like “I’m ready to take lots of the marijuana, like you told me!” but, you know, good for Colorado, and I imagine it could be cool for teenagers to smoke their first joint in a classier environment than the grimy, beer-soaked lawn of a String Cheese Incident show, etc.