Weekend Roundup

me at summer camp

Welcome to the weekend, everybody. I am about to go to some sort of Elvis festival in Michigan; I hope you’ve got something equally chill lined up yourself. If you are hurling yourself onto the couch to read stuff on your phone, may I suggest your horoscope or your catfish warning signs or the Weather.com apocalypse, or the lost polyamorous episodes of Boy Meets World, or a helpful rundown of Trends Men Hate? Other options include: a diary from 1989, a summer river diary from right now, the inaugural meeting of our Rom Com Club; we’ve also got three great personal essays, about a just-okay Cupid and the prom king on Instagram, and the commodity fetish of T-shirt feminism. Last but certainly not least, don’t miss Sarah Miller’s star turn in 42: The True Story of a Hot Old Lady. We’ll see you back on Monday.

Photo via Don/Flickr