Robin Williams

Genie, you’re free.

— The Academy (@TheAcademy) August 12, 2014

Robin Williams died yesterday at the age of 63. If you are reading this, you probably grew up on all his films. Mrs. Doubtfire, Aladdin, and Hook were the movies we’d crack up at and watch over and over again at sleepovers, and were the films our teachers would put on when they’d wheel the TV cart in because they didn’t feel like teaching that day, but wanted to put something quality on so they didn’t feel too guilty. Then Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, and The Birdcage were the movies we watched when we got a bit older and discovered Robin Williams was not only hilarious, but full of heart.

Here’s a quick scene from Mrs. Doubtfire:

[via Entertainment WeeklyYouTube]

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