The Worst Flirting in the World (in Ascending Order)
By Michelle Markowitz August 12, 2014
Sending inscrutable songs via Spotify
Flirting because you’re buying an iced coffee and have no cash and there’s a $10 minimum
Flirting with the one person controlling the music at the party because they’re drunk on power and refuse to play any songs featuring Pitbull
Flirting with I.T. because you have a deadline and you’ve already restarted your computer and it miraculously didn’t work
Twitter Flirting (Retweeting)
Twitter Flirting (Fav’ing)
Instagram Flirting (Liking, but leaving no comment)
LinkedIn request as a means to rekindle things
Poking (On Facebook)
Poking (In Real Life)
“Thought you’d enjoy this..” email with a link to something unenjoyable