Wait, Disney can be sexist??!

Really cool, http://t.co/2XKPlpWaMT, just awesome and cool and good pic.twitter.com/Xo8lsJOs7u

— Gabriel Roth (@gabrielroth) August 11, 2014

The Unknowns author and Top Tweeter Gabriel Roth watched The Little Mermaid with his daughter last night. When she asked to see more photos of Ariel, one google image search later, and he found himself on Disney’s Princess website looking at the above photo of Ariel, and empowering caption.

I didn’t get a chance to check out the entire website, but I assume it’s full of photos with captions like “Even though Cinderella is miserable while doing chores for her stepsisters, it’s lovely to see a woman on her knees!” and “It’s so adorable when Belle is reading because she can’t talk to the Beast at the same time!”

[via @GabrielRoth and Disney]

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