Andrew Keegan, Religious Leader


You know that fairly new religion based in California that is shrouded in mystery and entices celebrities? If you’re thinking of Andrew Keegan (most known as the star of Ten Things I Hate About You and a two-episode arc on Empty Nest), you would be right!

Shyam Dodge and Shanrah Wakefield traveled all the way to Venice Beach, California to meet with Andrew Keegan and report on his spiritual movement, Full Circle, of which he is the leader in “One of the Stars of ’10 Things I Hate About You’ Started A Religion” for Vice.

So what’s this movement about?

“Synchronicity. Time. That’s what it’s all about. Whatever, the past, some other time. It’s a circle; in the center is now. That’s what it’s about,” Keegan explained, regarding the church’s name, Full Circle.

Wait. But what is Andrew Keegan personally doing to end conflict in the Middle East?

A few weeks later, I sat down with Keegan after one of his Sunday services. The meditation at the service had involved water crystals, which participants used to focus their energy to bring an ending to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. “We’re very, very aware of the shift that’s happening in the mind and the heart, and everybody is on that love agenda,” Keegan told me after the ceremony. “We’re very much scientifically, spiritually, and emotionally aware of how it works, meaning that there’s power in the crystals, there’s power in our hearts, there’s an alignment, there’s a resonance… and it transfers through water.”

Ah. Ok, just gonna reread one of Andrew’s 10 Things I Hate About You co-star’s ideas on feminism now

[Vice/ image via Ravepad]