Some chick interviewed Erin Andrews, Fox News’ NFL sideline reporter; Andrews discusses the immense…

Hemispheres: I used to work at Deadspin with all dudes, and before that in other sports jobs with all dudes. I wanted to ask you a question that I got tired of answering about a year into sportswriting, and then about the question itself.
Erin Andrews: OK.

Hemispheres: The question is: “How did you get into sports?”
Andrews: I got into sports through my dad. My dad is from New England. He’s a big sports fan; he lives and breathes the Red Sox and the Celtics. I was the first-born, and I just did what daddy’s girls do. And I learned that the Red Sox broke my dad’s heart a lot.

Hemispheres: And what do you think about that question? Do you really think women need some sort of designated entry point into caring about sports in 2014? Are you surprised you still have to answer that question?
Andrews: You bring up a good point. I’ve never really thought about that before. I guess that question isn’t odd for me to answer, because I never played organized sports growing up. I was always in dance. But there’s a lot of things [I hear] that people are still saying about women in sports, where you go, “Are we still doing this? This is still happening?”

Some chick interviewed Erin Andrews, Fox News’ NFL sideline reporter; Andrews discusses the immense pressure to prove herself in the male-dominated industry, especially as a young and conventionally attractive woman. She has two secrets: thick skin and flat shoes, tools that will get you far in life, wherever you are.

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