
75 years ago, Helen Hulick, kindergarten teacher and my personal hero, made women’s fashion history. Called to testify against two burglary suspects, Hulick arrived to court dressed in her usual garb: pants. The sight was so distracting that the judge rescheduled her testimony, and ordered her to return in a dress.

“Listen,” said the young woman, “I’ve worn slacks since I was 15. I don’t own a dress except a formal. If he wants me to appear in a formal gown that’s okay with me.

“I’ll come back in slacks and if he puts me in jail I hope it will help to free women forever of anti-slackism.”

She came back in slacks, he put her in jail, but she did help free women of anti-slackism: the judge’s ruling that Hulick was in contempt of court was met with hundreds of letters of protest, and the citation was overturned. So let’s take this day to commemorate Helen Hulick, inspiration for women to wear what they want: slacks, skirts, or nothing at all.

This message has been brought to you by a blogger in her underwear.

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