Fathers Head To The Kitchen
Mr. Kreisberg is a freelance copy writer, a husband and a father. He is also a member of what he and other men describe as an often overlooked portion of the population: the growing number of working dads who cook.
“We do a lot more than barbecue,” Mr. Kreisberg said wryly…
“It really frustrates me that this is so often framed as a women’s issue,” said Natalie Pacholl, the mother of a 3-year-old who lives in Vancouver, Wash., and works for a high-tech manufacturing company. “Where are the dads in most of these discussions?”
Where are the dads in most of these discussions about parents and household meals? At the grocery store, I guess, buying food for dinner. Where are the dads in conversations about grocery stores, though? Where are the dads right now? Where are the dads heading after the kitchen? What are the dads doing? What are the dads thinking? What are the dads reading? Have you heard from the dads lately? Are the dads hanging out without us? What is a dad? Have you seen my dad?
Anyway, this article answers at least one of those questions.