Friends & Gentlewoman

The Gentlewoman, a magazine that always seems to know what I want before I know I want it, has just introduced a Reader of the Month Club. This month’s reader is Aminatou Sow and she talks to Penny Martin about geographical, digital, and emotional distance between friends:

P: I really enjoyed the episode about friends who return from the past — how to manage their expectations when they turn inappropriately needy.
A: What’s surprising is that our inbox mailbag is full of really sad break-up stories. It just goes to show that there hasn’t been a place to talk about this stuff, right? If you break up with your boyfriend, there’s a whole pop cultural narrative about how that will go. But what if you break up with your best friend, or they move away, have a baby or start dating somebody you don’t like?

Read the whole interview here.

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