Weekend Roundup / Open Thread


I’m really feeling this baby as goat king??????

This was a most excellent week. We ranked all of the Golden Globes dresses, lived alone, asked a queer chick, wrote some horny Orlando Bloom fan fiction, hung out with JANET MOCK DA GAWD, started The Pillow Book

, interviewed a punk chocolatier, a anthropologist who studies hacking, and film fatale, learned way too much about our teeth, felt our feelings, ranked Mark Ruffalo’s on-screen kisses, and looked inside Anna Fitzpatrick’s bag of garbage purse.

This is embarrassing.

Here’s to the ladies we love: Meredith Graves on believing survivors of sexual violence, Sara Lautman on the best idea for a TV show ever, Kelly Stout on all of us IRL, Fariha Roisin on free speech, Lili Loofburrow on women in TV and Hazel Cills on the death of music.

Just a note: we’ll be off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day this upcoming Monday (if you are American you should be off too, it is a NATIONAL HOLIDAY AND YOUR EMPLOYER SHOULD RESPECT THAT), but we’ll be back first thing on Tuesday. See you then?

Image via Flickr Commons.