Kim Kardashian: Trapped in Her Own Game


“More like KardashiCAN’T. You are pathetic. You try to destroy me and then lie about it to my face. Well, Kim, if you like your game so much, why don’t you play it…FOREVER.”

“What do you mean?” Kim said “I actually do already play it every day. If you add me on GameCenter there’s a special limited edition dress coming out that I can send you. It costs like 150 K-Stars.”

“Stick your K-Stars up your ass, Kim, you’re going to need them. I’m sending you to live inside the world of your game. You’ll just be another anonymous E-list celebrity with no money and no brand, for all of eternity. Enjoy!”

Kevin Fanning wrote a fan-fic about Paris Hilton cursing Kim Kardashian to live inside her own video game where she is a witch who casts emoji-based spells. Today he posts the final chapters. Cancel all your meetings.