Last night I went to go see a PLAY because I am VERY CULTURED.

Last night I went to go see a PLAY because I am VERY CULTURED. I know, I know, line up for my autograph here. But I had to tell you because this play was so good!! It’s called “All Our Happy Days Are Stupid” and the only thing I knew beforehand was that it was the play Sheila Heti references in How Should A Person Be?, a play she received a grant to write but can’t seem to finish; she considers it to be “embarrassing” and “impossible.” The actual, real-life production AOHDAS was neither of those things. It’s unbelievably funny and sweet and the acting — all the acting, but in particular the performance by Hairpin contributor Naomi Skwarna — was so incredible. There’s this one scene with an old man and his parrot that made me laugh so hard I eventually became self-conscious and tried to muffle my laugh with my scarf, but then after the show I bumped into someone who was sitting far away from me and she was like “yeah I could totally hear you laughing.” So, I mean, just embrace your loud distinctive laughs, I guess that’s the lesson here? But also go to plays, because plays seem cool, and if you live in Toronto or New York you should start with this play, because you’ll love it.

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