Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

Hey you guys: I know we’ve been having great fun arguing about the dress and all, but just a quick reminder that yesterday was the third anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death and tomorrow’s the last day of Black History Month, and maybe we should take a second to meditate on those things today, you know? Then, by all means, go back to the fun. That dress is blue and black and I don’t care who tells you otherwise.

We started off this week with our favorite Oscar looks, and cheerfully marched on: we learned SO MUCH about boners and the evil eye, set some men straight, made some blondies, got kicked out of our punk band, recast Sunset Boulevard

, brought back Ask a Lady!!!, put placenta on our faces, stopped by laughter therapy, came to terms with being single, made peace, said some fancy phrases, asked Wendy, read some poetry, asked a scientist, and had some #deepseated anxiety.

THIS WEEK IN LADIES: Jaya Saxena BEIN’ NAUGHTY, Meaghan O’Connell on being the “slacker parent”, Thanaa El-Naggar on being a practicing Muslim in short-shorts, Beejoli Shah on some low-budget TV show no one has ever heard of, and Kiva Reardon on David Cronenberg.

My dad just texted me about the dress. I’m going back to bed. See you Monday!