Beverages I Have Loved


The best blogger is a well-hydrated blogger.

Pictured: Marlo Yarlo “Just Relax” cup, Art Metropole. Tap water.


A healthy day of blogging begins with a moderate amount of caffeine and a vitamin-packed smoothie.

Pictured left: Vote For Women mug purchased at that weird “American Woman” exhibition at the Costume Institute a few years ago, do you remember that? They played the Lenny Kravitz song of the same name on a constant loop. Mug was bought as gift for friend and never given away. Purchaser of mug is garbage friend. Coffee, origins unknown.

Pictured right: Clear glass purchased from discount outlet after husband broke an indeterminate amount of glasses over the course of several years. Husband is huge oaf. Blueberry smoothie, made and served by husband who is not oaf, blogger takes it back now that blogger has eaten breakfast and is calmer.


A healthy blogger is one who stops to buy a $9 juice on her way home from the gym because fuck it she just spent 45 minutes on a treadmill she’s earned this.

Pictured: Anti-Vice Juicery, “The Illuminator.” Grapefruit and orange and pineapple and cayenne pepper, maybe? Juice burned blogger’s tongue a little but it was so tasty blogger did not care.


A healthy blogger is a happy blogger and a pretty can of grapefruit Perrier makes this blogger happy.

Pictured, left: more water, always more water, literally never enough water.

Pictured, right: Perrier, grapefruit-flavored. Sorry, “Pamplemousse Rose” flavored.

Not pictured: Bottle of prosecco I drank last night because we were “celebrating,” intense sense of regret over said prosecco.

Also not pictured: your beverages. What kind of drinks do you need to get through the day and why? Should I be drinking MORE as I blog? Please discuss.