The National Geographic has a piece on how swarming bats avoid crashing into each other:

The National Geographic has a piece on how swarming bats avoid crashing into each other:

A new study finds that the nocturnal creatures follow a few simple “traffic rules” to avoid midair collisions: The bats first home in on the positions of other bats using their built-in sonar, then follow the flight path of a leader bat — or wingman, as it were.

And, oh my god, the idea of little creepy bats following traffic rules is so adorable to me. I am imaging little bats staying in their own little bat lanes and stopping at their little bat four-way intersections to give the other little bats the right of way, and they all have little bat bumper stickers that say things like, “My other vehicle is the Batmobile” and “Bela Lugosi on Board” and “Honk if you love echolocation” and wait a second I think I just invented a kids’ TV show.

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