Come Be Obsessed With Coming To America

arsenio i miss you

Coming To America was on ABC Family last night, and I don’t know about you, but for me that movie is a movie I have to stop everything to watch. I don’t care what my other plans were, if Coming To America is on, that’s what’s happening. I regularly imagine which friends of mine fit in which roles. My husband is definitely the old Jewish guy in the barber shop. I aspire to be a Lisa but in reality I’m Elaine Kagan.

Here are a few other thoughts I have on Coming To America:

1. “Soul Glo” is the catchiest song ever written.
2. If they live in Queens how did they get to the Brooklyn Bridge promenade so quickly for dinner?
3. From the looks of the palace, Zamunda is actually in South Beach.
4. I need to see the Tamil language version of this movie.
5. When Eddie Murphy says “I’m not interested in Darryl either” my clit explodes.

OK now it’s your turn.