Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

Earlier this week Some Man pointed out how great this new Tanlines video is, and you know what? He was right! I lol-ed several times!! And the song is also so good!

In fact, the entire album makes for some great unspecified walking music, should you need a soundtrack for your imaginary conversations. Perhaps you’re still working out what you want to say to those randos who messaged you on The Facebook in 2004; perhaps you’re conducting a conversation with the person who asked you to read a heartbreaking book. Perhaps you’re thinking about your special feelings and ranking them, in order, the way Alex did with a truly stunning degree of accuracy. Perhaps you’re thinking about the advice you got re: how to have a healthy non-monogamous relationship or about another romantic fuck-up. There’s a lot of things you can talk to yourself about over the weekend!

You could also listen to Alex’s list of great songs that happen to be sexist, or read a few Sex Diaries to see if you’re doin’ it right. Or you could read two excellent interviews with two excellent women: Damian Rogers, who explains poetry to us, and Peggy Burns, who explains independent comic book publishing. Do you have any books you need to curb? Alex’s list should get you started; or, alternatively, you could go pick up any that remain, your choice! There’s a Nina Simone documentary to watch and a fascinating true crime article to read. This week we also talked about keeping our eyeballs clear and the emotion known as the “Masculine Pathetic.” Very informative stuff.

This weekend, I’d like to get an ice cream cone with sprinkles. It’s important to have small, reasonable goals. What tiny victories do you plan on achieving?

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