Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

This morning I decided to work from a COFFEE SHOP, such a bold decision, I know. They played all of “Channel Orange” which was extremely satisfying, but things REALLY got emotional when they put on “Hold On” by Wilson Phillips. Because you know what? Things CAN change. They CAN go your way. You DO just have to hold on for ONE more day. I think I have to sit down and feel some feelings real quick.

This weekend, if you can manage it, you should probably put on a black slip dress and sit on the beach and sing about your complicated relationship to painful thoughts. You could also re-read some of the really wonderful pieces we had on the site this week: Alex interviewed the director of a documentary about porn addiction (who also happened to be her ex-boyfriend) and Hazel spoke to writer/musician Jenny Hval about feminism, capitalism, and other things that are supposedly over. I kind-of-but-not-really explained how to wear the same dress to two parties with all the same attendees in the same weekend, I genuinely hope it helps some of you plan your summer wedding wardrobe. Then I put together a playlist of my current favorite songs to listen to when I can’t decide if I want to stay pissed or not. Doreen debuted her new food column with a beautiful piece on salmon and gardening and other kinds of meticulous surgery, while Jamie has some surprisingly useful and not at all joke suggestions for weekend dates. If you’d prefer to stay in for your dates, we have just the Neurotica you’ll need. Alex talked to us about her dreams and the music videos that had a strange impact on her sexual development and karaoke and I talked about our (my) facial hair.

This weekend is dedicated to the songs we didn’t realize could make us cry in a public place until it happened. I’m not saying that’s what I did this morning but I’m not not saying it either. What new emotional depths do you plan to discover within yourself this weekend? Come back and share with us on Monday!

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